Friday, December 3, 2010

On A More Serious Note…

                My office does all these Jeans Days for $5 a pop once or twice a month – generally for some charity or organization that I’m not familiar with and don’t really care much about.  (Horrible thing to say. I know.)  And sometimes I get really annoyed – people asking me for money all the time.  As my dear friend Marianne says “I’m not a magician.”  (I’m totally adopting that from you Mare - if you don’t mind.)  

However, this past summer as I became oriented with the whole blogging world I came across one written by this guy Matt Logelin.  Being a sucker for a human interest story I literally started at the beginning and cried my way through a couple years of this guy’s life.  He lost his wife to a pulmonary embolism hours  after she delivered their first baby.  Raw emotion and real life. I even began researching my company’s matching gift program to see how I can best contribute to the foundation he created in memory of his wife. 

                Fast forward a few weeks to today.  Reading Schenectady’s newspaper online as I do from time to time, I saw a headline with a name I recognized as a high school friend of my sister’s.  He’s currently trying to raise money for the same foundation I’ve taken an interest to.  The Liz Logelin Foundation.  Matt created this foundation to provide grants to those who have lost a spouse and have children to support.  He was blessed by many people, through the popularity of his blog, to have been generously gifted with every baby item imaginable as he tried to figure out life on his own with a newborn.  And because this kind of thing can happen to anyone, at any time, it’s truly touched me.

                Anyway – if you’re feeling generous this holiday season.  Or want to get in some donations for tax write-offs.  Maybe look at chipping in and giving to Eric Maughn’s campaign – or even straight to the Liz Logelin Foundation.   And if you love creeping blogs, can tolerate a bit of cussing, have a lot of free time and a box of tissues - you should totally read Matt’s blog. 

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