I’ve been dating Boyfriend for, by my unsentimental calculations, just over a year and a half. But since neither one of us took note of when exactly we introduced ourselves to one another – nor do we care – I just know it’s been a while. I do know we met in June because I asked him to join me for my birthday dinner that July (he refused).
After our first 'date' he confirmed two things with me – I cheer for the New York Yankees and I do not vote Democrat. Check and check. Aside from that we have few things in common.
Boyfriend loves Dobermen. I love English Bulldogs.
He likes all things Hip-Hop. I love all things not Hip-Hop.
Except Eminem. I do love Eminem.
Boyfriend enjoys reality TV. Jersey Shore raises my blood
pressure to an unhealthy level.
He wishes Facebook was never invented. I love stalking.
When I met him he had this Per the above,
Zack Morris phone. I must have portable Facebook.
...In his defense, he has a different phone now and is currently waiting on the next version of the Verizon iPhone. I'm totally jealous that he's going to have a cooler phone than me.
But the best things about being opposites??
He eats the round ones. I eat the flat ones.
HOT and extra crispy for both. Please and Thanks.